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The Elements Story

Our Superstars

This is our magnificent team, the pearls of our operation. Most of then are from the nearby village. They have become family to us and each other, we always look forward to see them with their big and genuine smiles. 

Our Vision

The Vision

Elements is to be a global sanctuary where people, the outdoors and spirituality intertwine, a small haven of peace where we can re-connect with God's magnificent creation. Through transformative experiences and evolving personal relationships we want it to be an escape where we encounter what we are searching for in life. 

Do we all know what it is?​

how we live it

we smile – because we love what we do, we are called to do good works and find solutions, we are not perfect - but we give our best, we respect and tolerate each other, we try to be loyal and fair, invest in others, practice open communication and listen to each other, we are part of a big plan and are amazed by God’s creation - in all this we want to be a blessing

The team steering the boat

Who We Are

“I started Elements out of a passion for kitesurfing, people and nature. I love being on the water and share it with others. I am amazed by the grace of God and the way he designed life. I believe that we are all here for the reason of living in a relationship with God and to be ambassadors of hope, love, truth and forgiveness. Elements shall be a blessing, a place where we re-connect with our hearts and reflect about origin, purpose and destiny. I love being here - hope you too.”


Marcel Bobay, Founder

Our story...

It was the year 2004 when Marcel Bobay, a pilot from Switzerland came to fly for Sri Lankan Airlines on a 12 month contract. He thought it would an interim, short-term intercultural experience where he would be living near the ocean in a tropical country. Little did he know what was ahead. Being a passionate kitesurfer, he started exploring the shores of Sri Lanka, discovering numerous kitespots which he had spotted before from the flight deck during his routine flights to and from Colombo international airport. Together with a handfull of enthusiastic kitesurfing friends, he eventually launched the first tented kite event in Sri Lanka - at first for friends, and soon for friends of friends and their know how it goes - good things spread and soon people from all around the globe joined these camp style weeks of passionate kitesurfing, living out in nature and fostering lasting friend-; and relationships.

In 2005, something special happened. In prayer, seeking to find answers of what this would all be about, he felt having received instruction to establish an open house at the beach, a platform by the sea where men and women would experience the creation and God himself in a new way through their passion for kitesurfing and the power of the elements of nature. 

The question remained: where should this be? and the answer to this riddle came in January 2006 when he stepped onto the sandy beach of Kappalady, feeling the powerful winds, the mist of the salty ocean on his skin, and the sun just about to set. That moment revealed that it shall be here - in Kappalady. this was the place where this vision was bound to come to life. Being out there in between the elements of nature the name was given. "Elements" it was.

the following years it the group of friends bought the beach front land, and Marcel headed a phase of legal clear up planning and finally the execution of what became the Elements Resort in its early stages. 5 lagoon villas a gravel road and a temporary restaurant with a basic kitchen. No laundry, no pool, as there were no funds. Then in February 2012, Elements celebrated its inauguration event flanked by the historic first kite-crossing of the Adams Bridge - half way from Indian to Sri Lanka. From there on, its our guest who are writing the history of Elements and you may be soon too...

By today...

Elements has become a hide away for those who seek to re-sync with the rhythm of nature, reflecting on life's wonders and connecting with people from around the world. It has become a place where we can be still understanding ourselves as part of a bigger plan than ours.

We love our team - we love our neighbors and we love our neighborhood. Thus we invest time and live appreciation and gratefulness across our team. Once a week we all get together including some of our guest and talk about life and its challenges. Practical topics addressed from different angles, ethnic, traditional and spiritual backgrounds.

In the village we invest in the local youth through sports and life-value programs. Through guidance and steady employment, we empower villagers and thus provide for their families and children's future.

We operate with utmost respect for the surrounding nature. We foster environmental awareness by doing it! Reducing our carbon footprint, committing to (almost) ZERO plastic, operating a 30 KWA solar installation, producing our on-site bio compost from our own sources of biomass, animal manure and bio char. The garden team grows papaya, passion fruit, lemon grass, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, watermelon, chilly amongst many others. 

Mornings before tea time, the team gets together, chats and sings while we clean the Kappalady beach from unwanted plastic and debris. The beach waste is segregated and brought to a nearby recycling plant. 

"Walter" is our success and pride. He is a original Sri Lankan bull descending from an ancient blood line originating in the time of kings around 2000 years back. He is our eco super hero, making smoky diesel machinery and tractors redundant. And the best: he does not rost, keeps cutting the grass and even produces valuable bio fertilizer :-)


But ultimately every day it is ultimately about you. If you need you shall find rest, if you wish you find excitement and if you seek, you may find answers. The vision of Elements thrives through you. We thank you for reading these lines and may be we will meet soon in person.

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